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Dancer / Teacher / Collaborator
by Petri Kekoni Company (2015)
"Non Linear is a long-term site specific project, where original concept will be modified according to the new space and environment. First performed in March 2014 in Suvilahti Kattilahalli, 2. part was performed in October 2015 in Jätkäsaari Harbour area." (
Choreography and concept: Petri Kekoni
Composition and sound design: Antti Nykyri
Dance: Meeri Altmets, Riina Huhtanen, Tanja Illukka, Andrius Katinas, Tuomas Mikkola, Valtteri Raekallio, Esete Sutinen, Jukka Tarvainen, Ulla Väätäinen
Performances: 1.10.-10.10.2015 in Helsinki Länsisatama

Photo: Pasi Orrensalo
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